Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The 5:00 Class

This is what I do at 5:00 pm on Tuesday nights. I get together with an awesome group of 3 & 4 year olds and DANCE - DANCE -DANCE!!!! We are currently working on tondues and plies in first position, shuffles, and the difference between left and right. We work on the balance beam, gymnastics mat, and mini trampoline. These guys really keep me on my toes!
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Monday, January 21, 2008

One Good Reason to Homeschool

You get to snuggle up with your little brother and read a book on a cold winter's day.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Madison Kellenberger has passed her audition and earned a seat in the Northwest Arkansas Philharmonia Orchestra!!!

After performing a stunning audition with Vivaldi's 3rd Concerto in A Minor, Madison was asked to play with the orchestra for this semester. It is an orchestra sponsored by The Northwest Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and is housed at the NW Arkansas School for the Performing Arts. If she works hard, she could earn her way into the Youth Star Orchestra which is a full orchestra (brass, percussion, all strings, etc.) and they are performing at Carnegie Hall every other year. We are all so excited for her to have this opportunity and can not wait for their first concert in May! We thank God that He has blessed her with the gift of music and the opportunities to develop this gift!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Our new pet!! "Winston"

We'd like you to meet our pet bird. His name is "Winston." He is a budgie also known as an Australian parrot. As you can see, he is very colorful and playful. His favorite toys are pennies, balls, and bells. He likes to ring his bells and often puts them on his head.
He is really easy to take care of because all you have to do is change his water every day and give him new food once every two weeks. You also have to clean his cage once in a while. Sometimes, when we are washing dishes, he will come over and take a little bath. He goes to sleep around 10:oo pm when mom puts the drape over his cage.
We got him in October when his owners moved to Saudi Arabia to work. They used to be neighbors with our Momo & Popo. To be honest, we really wanted their dog, but they took him with them. So now we have the bird instead.
Winston is really funny when he sits on your finger, shoulder, or head. He loves to eat spaghetti and macaroni and will steal them off your plate. We learned that we have to close his cage before dinnertime or he will think he can eat with us at the table.
He is a great pet to have and we love him dearly, especially when he gives us kisses.
Written by Margaret & Molly