Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Bubba!!!

I can not believe my baby is 7 today! What a great little man you are, Chase! You take such good care of me and your sisters. I am so proud of the way you help your daddy when he is working and you help me around the house too! Your doing such a good job at learning to read and doing your math everyday. Not to mention playing the violin and practicing everyday! God has really blessed me by loaning you to me. I can not wait to see what He has planned for you! I am proud to be your mother!
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Friday, July 18, 2008

Maddy's Friends

Grace Place Kids (We were kind of being goofy...but just kind of!! :)

We were getting ready to sing for a testimony at Upward.

I thought it would be fun to put these pictures of my some of my friends on the blog.
The first picture is at a graduation party for Isaac and Zac. (The two guys on the front row, on the sides.) We were supposed to be taking a picture for the scrapbook but the guys wouldn't stay still. Ok, it was us girls to, but anyway, someone suggested that we should hit the guys with our shoes so that maybe they would stay still. Ha,Ha, right. As you see in the picture, that definitely worked!! NOT! It just made it worse!!
This is the best picture we could find out of all the millions of pictures taken...(there were like 5 camera's.) It was quite the picture! (The people in this picture are, back row: Rachel,Becca,Sydney,Ashley,Sara,Maddy,and Aspyn : front row: Isaac Hayden and Zac)
In the second picture, us girls were getting ready to sing, "Broken and Beautiful" at Upward Basketball for a testimony. We were really nervous and as you can see I had just got done with my basketball game right beforehand. We worked for a long time on that song to get all the right parts sung at the right time. But it was a lot of fun and we made lots of memories.
I'm so grateful for all of my friends at church and I love to spend time with them.


(by Madison)

Friday, July 11, 2008

More coffee please!

This is my father. He is better known as "Popo." He is a huge hit with the kids. Can you see why?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We've finished our Zoology Course!

We've been studying about swimming creatures of the 5th day, which is a zoology 2 course from Apologia Science. Today we finally finished up the course and took pictures of our "ocean boxes." We've been working on them all throughout the school year and each time we learned about a new and exciting creature of the ocean, we would recreate it out of clay, paint it, and put it in our "ocean." I think this has been a great program for us to study together as a family because it is includes upper level vocabulary, but is written in such an insteresting and easy to understand, conversational style, that my 6-12 year olds all got out of it what they needed to at thier individual levels. It was fun...but now we must focus on history, or should I say, "HIS-story" for a semester or 2.

Chase's Oceanbox

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This is my oceanbox. I have a dolphin, a stingray, a turtle, a snake, a seal, a shark, and a jellyfish. I learned that some jellyfish have a bad sting and you should out vinegar on them. Some can kill you. Sharks have bumpy skin. If a shark is coming at you, punch it or kick it. The biggest whale is the blue whale. I really liked learning about dolphins, whales, sharks, and giant squid. God makes some big and some little animals. Coral is pretty and alive.

Madison's Oceanbox

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In my box I have a shark,squid,fish,dolphin,sea lion, manta ray, sea snake,and a sea turtle. I also have some colorful coral and then a rock on top for decoration :) I think my favorite animal that I learned about was the sea turtle. I never knew there were so many different kinds of sea turtles. The one I made for my box was an Australian Flatback. Another thing that I learned that I thought was cool was that there are these really tiny things called "Sea Squirts". I thought they were really interesting because they swim by "squirting" water away from them. I also found the Jellyfish to be rather scary. I always knew that they had stingers but did you know that if you touched one of thier tenticles, a needle comes out of it and shoots poison into you in one-thousanths of a second??? It's that fast!! But as we were studying them I really started to think that God is so amazing! He gave all the animals in the ocean a different way of living and protecting themselves. God must be extremely brilliant to be able to make all of those amazing things. Just think, he is the same God the made us too!! Studying these different animals has made me see just how great our God is.

Molly's Oceanbox

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This is my oceanbox. I have a turtle, blowfish, sea lion, jellyfish, shark, snake, dolphin, octopus, and crab. The brown bumps are rocks and the colorfull bumps are coral. My favorite ocean animals are snakes, crabs, and turtles. If you cut off a snakes head, it will still move. Turtles can be very big. There are crabs all over the place on Christmas Island when they are having babies. Jellyfish are mostly water. God gave animals ways to protect themselves like when a stingray stings you. Crabs can pinch food and protect themselves. Coral looks like plants but are actually animals and they can sting you too. Sharks have big teeth.

Margaret's Oceanbox

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This is my science project. It is an oceanbox. I have a turtle, snake, jelly fish, squid, fish, dolphin, and a seal in it. On the bottom is supposed to be the bottom of the ocean and the little circles are the sand. My favorite part was learning about the water snakes.Did you know that snakes are still poisonous even after they are dead? My favorite animal is the shrimp because it is a very small animal and it is not like any other. The only thing I don't like about it is that its favorite thing to do is to clean other animals off. I learned that God made alot of cool animals and that he provided food and all sorts of things for them to eat.