Monday, October 29, 2007

A Typical Week At Bubba's House

I have had many people ask me how I manage hschooling 4 children and all of their activities. I usually always laugh and say, "I don't, very well." As hschooling mothers, we never really feel like we "get it all done," but over the past 6 years of teaching, I have discovered that my family is much more productive when I have a well-planned schedule. I spend hours upon hours working on a schedule for the 4 children and I. Then I try it for 2 weeks and usually have to rework it. This is time well spent. I also have to consider what locations we do certain subjects in because we have music practices going on all morning. Also, some places just "feel" better for certain subjects. According to the schedule, everyone should know exactly where to be, what to be doing, and who to be doing it with. Very little time is wasted this way.

On Mondays we go out of town for 3 Suzuki Violin lessons and 1 Suzuki Piano lesson. We come home, eat lunch, take naps, read, then do science/history/bible.

This is our schedule for Tuesday through Friday.

M11 violin exercises
M10 piano practice
M8 math w/mom
B 6 math w/mom

M11 math
M10 math
M8 Abeka Language Arts w/mom
B6 Abeka Language Arts w/mom

M11 violin polishing piece / bible & pray
M10 ballet /bible & bray
M8 break & violin w/mom
B6 violin w/mom & break

M11 grammar/spell/writing/vocab/latin
M10 grammar/spell/writing/vocab/latin
M8 read w/mom
B6 read w/mom

I'm available to answer M11 & M10's questions as needed, but don't do any direct teaching until afternoon.

12-lunch & watch "Andy Griffith" (Did you know that every episode of this show can be made into a bible lesson?)
1 - family read aloud
2 - M8 & B6 room for books on tape and naps
M11 & M10 Check all work w/mom & work on writing or Internet for science (Apologia Zoology links)
3 - read or sleep
4- Everyone up for activities such as dance, violin, football, Upward basketball, (Tuesdays & Thursdays) or Science/History/Bible Class w/mom (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.)

Classical music (mostly Suzuki cds) are always playing where we can here them.

We also attend church bible studies & fellowships on Wednesday and Sunday nights.

I highly recommend the "Managers of Their Homes" system for scheduling.

Check it out here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your schedule looks great. I need to use my Managers book more. My life would go smoother.