Thursday, October 25, 2007

What's up with the name???

Okay, so now I'm finally getting around to explaining the name of this blog. About six years ago I was at a homeschooling conference. Like all new homeschooling mothers, I was buying everything in sight that I thought I would have to have to make my HSchool successful. The kind man at the "Edutracker" booth convinced me that I should buy this amazing software that would help me create lesson plans, keep grades, produce grade cards and other records, and I think he even said it would scrub my toilets and make homemade cookies for me everyday if I programmed it correctly. Wait, maybe that was just me dreaming, but anyway... As the conference was ending and everyone was packing up to leave, the man shoved a paper at me and told me to fill it out so I could buy the software. I hurriedly filled out the usual info; name, phone, number of children, etc., and when it came to name of school, it hit me that I had not yet thought of a name for our HSchool. When he saw the distraught look on my face, HE SAID, "Don't worry about that, you'll be able to name your school when you download the program!" So I very quickly thought of something silly to write thinking it didn't matter anyway. Well, I'm not calling the nice "Edutracker" man a liar or anything, but when I got my "Edutracker" and started printing out some of those neat little homeschooling forms, they all had "Bubba's House O' Fine Learnin'" on the top (in a very nice, formal font, I might add.) After much thought, I decided to leave it with that title because it does represent our HSchool in a lot of ways. On one hand, we listen to and play classical music, love ballet, study Latin and appreciate art. These are all elements of a classical education. On the other hand, we live in a very small town and try to keep our lives calm and "down to earth." Sometimes a classical education can make you a little "stuffy" so you need to appreciate the simpler things in life, like the annual town fair, the bison auctions, picking corn out at the farm, OKAY ENOUGH!!!! I'm a city girl and my husband is a country boy. Hopefully our kids will turn out somewhere in between!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your school name!

Tammy Aggus

Alyson said...

Hi Kellenbergers!

I just had a chance to check out your blog. How fun! I enjoy reading about each child and seeing their pictures.

Happy Halloween!